Head Office Invoicing

Head Office Overview

This enhancement for Sage 200 enables Head Office accounts to receive sales order invoices for their Branch accounts, thus enabling Branch accounts to retain a full sales history with invoice documents being processed centrally. In addition, payments received from a Head Office account can be posted and allocated to invoices relating to branch accounts in one simple routine.

Sales Ledger enquiries clearly identify from which branch an invoice originates and a full list of invoices by branch may be displayed.

Buying Groups

In addition to the conventional Head Office/Branch structure, this Sage 200 Add-on is also ideal for handling sales orders from buying groups. With sales orders being placed against each individual company, full sales analysis is available, yet all invoicing is handled from a single Buying Group account.

SOP Order Entry

Sales orders are placed against branch accounts by directly selecting a branch. This ensures that a full order history is recorded against each branch account.

View the reference image below for SOP Order example data.

SOP Order Entry

SOP Order Entry

Transaction Enquiry

Fig.2 SL Transaction Enquiry

Sales Ledger Head Office Transaction Enquiry Highlights

When viewing Head Office sales ledger invoices, the branch from which the invoice originates is available in the current transaction list: Reference Fig. 2 SL Transaction Enquiry [above]

Furthermore, a full list of branches for each Head Office may be displayed, along with their account balance: Reference Fig.3 Branch Transactions [below]

On selecting a branch, all branch transactions are displayed and two quick launch buttons are available to display Branch sales orders and returns: Fig. 4 Branch Invoices [below]

Branch Transactions

Fig.3 Branch Transactions

Branch Invoices

Fig.4 Branch Invoices

For further information on this and other Roundhouse Add-ons for Sage 200, please contact Roundhouse.